When you play poker online, you often have to deal with a variety of currencies. Some sites let you play in your own currency, while others do not. You may find it useful to play in your own currency so that you save on exchange rates and conversion fees. Using your own currency can also be advantageous for players who want to play in their own currency in the future. Listed below are some of the ways that you can play poker online. To maximize your enjoyment of the game, play in the currency that you are most comfortable with.
Playing online with real money is a great way to experience the thrill of poker, but you should know that you can also play free. Many sites are free to play and you can install one on your computer. You can also use mobile devices if you have an iPhone or Android. All of these services are legal, and are approved by PAGCOR and BMM Testlabs. If you are using an Android or iOS device, you can play poker with real money through the app.
If you’re looking for a site that offers both free and real money games, you can try IDNPoker. This poker site is perfect for the Asian market. It boasts 600,000 monthly active users and can reach 6000 players during peak hours. 888poker is only half as popular as IDN Poker, so this speaks volumes about how engaged the Asian poker community is. IDNPoker is a good choice for beginners and seasoned pros alike.